UAMschool4cities project at the Portugal Smart Cities Summit
The 2023 edition of the Portugal Smart Cities Summit was held at the Feira International de Lisboa (FIL), Portugal, between 10th and 12th October. Margarida Lo [...]
November 11, 2023|News, Projects, Research|
The 2023 edition of the Portugal Smart Cities Summit was held at the Feira International de Lisboa (FIL), Portugal, between 10th and 12th October. Margarida Lo [...]
October 23, 2023|News, Projects, Research|
R&B Talks what they are: R&B Talks are a series of seminars bringing together BRU-Iscte researchers and companies with which the researchers have carri [...]
October 6, 2023|News, Projects, Research|
The 16th Annual Euromed Academy of Business (EMAB) Conference with the theme Business Transformation in Uncertain Global Environments was held at Vilnius, Lith [...]
September 25, 2023|News, Projects, Research|
Sofia Kalakou, researcher from the Management Group at the BRU-Iscte participated in the program 90 segundos de Ciência. Sofia Kalakou is the local coordinator [...]
Sofia Kalakou researcher from the Management Group at the BRU-Iscte, gave an interview to EntreCampus about the project RefMap. Sofia Kalakou is the local coo [...]
July 7, 2023|Projects, Research|
The 1st Training School was held in Iscte, Lisbon, Portugal from May 22 to 26, 2023. This year's school focused on the theme "Nature and People in Nexus". The [...]
Iscte – University Institute of Lisbon
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1649-026 Lisboa