Scientific Initiation Fellowship – Project UAMschool4cities
For the English version of this call for a Research Fellowship, please the job offer in EURAXESS Portugal. Edital Bolsa de Investigação Encontra-se aberto conc [...]
October 21, 2022|Grants, News, Projects|
For the English version of this call for a Research Fellowship, please the job offer in EURAXESS Portugal. Edital Bolsa de Investigação Encontra-se aberto conc [...]
October 17, 2022|Grants, News, Projects|
BRU-Iscte is offering 1 Post-doctoral Research Fellowship to support the activities of 3 ongoing Erasmus+ projects! You can read the offer in English in EURAXE [...]
WELLy project intellectual outputs are now concluded. The conclusions led the project’s team to “introduce the figure of the Work Well-being Manager in the Eur [...]
On July 8th, the general assembly of the RESETTING project was held in Catalonia, the region where the project's coordinator (EURECAT) is based. Iscte 's local [...]
July 7, 2022|Grants, News, Projects|
Within the European project "RESETTING - Relaunching European smart and SustainablE Tourism models Through digitalization and INnovative technoloGies (COS-TOUR [...]
The WELLy project is coming to its end! During the project, the team was successful in designing an empirical analysis of the State of the Art in Work Well-bei [...]
Iscte – University Institute of Lisbon
Building 4 (CVTT), 1st Floor, Room 124
Avenida das Forças Armadas, 40
1649-026 Lisboa