The VII Congresso Nacional da Formação Profissional (VII National Congress of Professional Training)) will be held on 20 and 21 of May 2021. This year the congress will be held totally online and the theme of this congress is Gestão da Qualidade na Educação e Formação (Quality Management in Education and Training).

The VII Congresso Nacional da Formação Profissional is organized by Forma-te, ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, McDonald´s and TAP Portugal with the support from ANQEP, IEFP, Conselho Nacional de Educação and from the Escola Técnica Profissional da Moita.

The Organizing Committee includes the researchers Sílvia Silva and Ana Passos from the Organizational Behavior and Human Resources Group at BRU-Iscte.

Andreia Garcia of BRU-Iscte is part of organizing committed and will be participating in the first day as a host.

For more information please visit the website
