Svetlana Ratner
Field of study:Mathematical modeling; Forecasting; Multivariate statistical analysis; Innovation Management; The Economics of Renewable Energy; Economic aspects of energy efficiency
Biographical Note:Professor at Department of Economic and Mathematical Modelling, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University)
Period of Stay:07/10/2024 to 03/11/2024
Raquel Garde Sánchez
Field of study:Corporate Social Responsibility, public sector, non-financial information disclosure
Biographical Note:Senior Lecturer at the University Granada - Department of Financial Economics and Accounting
Period of Stay:15/06/2024 to 15/09/2024
Dolores Amalia Gallardo Vázquez
Field of study:Intellectual Capital and Corporate Social Responsibility
Biographical Note:Lecturer and researcher in the Department of Department of Financial Economy and Accounting at the Faculty of Economics Sciences and Business Administration at the University of Extremadura, in Spain. She is an Economist specialized in Financial Accoun¬ting, Intellectual Capital and Corporate Social Responsibility, Expert in Implementation of International Accounting Standards, MSc in Training as University Teaching in the European Higher Education, MSc in Management of Higher Education Institutions; Fellowship at Cranfield University based on a competitive aid from Spanish Government. She has managed the Orientation and Teacher Training Service at the University for four years. Now, she is managing the University Social Responsibility Office. Her research interests range across several key areas within Intellectual Capital, Corpo¬rate Social Responsibility, Corporate Volunteering, University Social Responsibility, Social Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation, including: public and social policy contexts and the nexus of relationships between accounting, social accounting and accountability.
Period of Stay:01/02/2024 to 30/06/2024
Marcelo Alvaro da Silva Macedo
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)
Field of study:Accounting Quality, Finance, Quantitative Methods and Organization Performance
Biographical Note:Marcelo Alvaro holds a PhD degree in Production Engineering from Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Master's degree in Production Engineering from Fluminense Federal University and Undergraduate degree in Management from Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro. He is associate professor of Accounting and Quantitative Methods at the Accounting Department of Management and Accounting School in Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. He was a Visiting Researcher in Accounting at the School of Economics, Business and Accounting of São Paulo University. Marcelo Alvaro was Coordinator of the PhD and Master Program in Accounting of Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. In 2016 he was Scientific Director of the Brazilian Association of Graduate Programs in Accounting and in the period 2016-2019 he was titular member of CNPq - Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development Advisory Committee in the Management, Accounting Economics area. Since 2013, he has participated in several evaluation commissions and committees for Management, Accounting and Tourism Graduate Programs in Brazil. He has had research projects funded by funding agencies in Brazil since 2008, having published several articles in Accounting/Management and related areas journals.
Period of Stay:01/12/2023 to 31/05/2024
Testimonial:I am very satisfied with my 6-month experience as a visiting researcher at BRU-Iscte. I had the opportunity to work with Professor Isabel Lourenço, with whom I exchanged experiences and began developing a research theme involving investor sentiment and the content of conference calls. The work environment at BRU-Iscte is very pleasant and the support staff are always very attentive and available. Finally, I would like to thank the Accounting Department at Iscte Business School for their welcome.
Luisa Delgado Márquez
Universidad de Granada
Field of study:Applied Economics
Biographical Note:Assistant Professor of Applied Economics at University of Granada
Period of Stay:01/04/2023 to 31/06/2023
Testimonial:I had an exceptionally positive experience during my research stay at BRU-Iscte under the mentorship of Prof. Sandro Mendonça. His guidance was instrumental in developing projects with significant potential. Through his network, I had the privilege of meeting several esteemed researchers, including Prof. Cátia Miriam Costa, with whom I shared ideas and collaborated on a joint publication. This opportunity greatly enriched my research experience and contributed to my professional growth. Furthermore, the welcome I received at BRU-Iscte was excellent from the very beginning. The institution provided all the necessary resources and support throughout my stay, ensuring a conducive environment for my research activities. This hospitable and supportive atmosphere greatly enhanced the overall experience, allowing me to focus on my work and achieve meaningful outcomes.
Gi-Chul Yang
Mokpo National University, South Korea
Research Interests:Artificial Intelligence, Human-Computer Interaction
Biographical Note:Gi-Chul Yang received his M.S. degree from Department of Computer Science, the University of Iowa, USA in 1986 and PhD degree in Computer Science and Telecommunications Program from the University of Missouri, USA in 1993. Currently, he is a Professor at Mokpo National University, where he has been working since September 1993. He was also a Director of Information & Computing Institute, School of Information Engineering at Mokpo National University. His research interests include Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). He was a Visiting Scholar at Heriot-Watt University and University of Hamburg in 2002 and 2015, respectively. He collaborated with professors at Linkoping University, University of Zurich, University of Missouri, University of Auckland, Drexel University and University of Hawaii. He is an author of several books (written in Korean) and was an editor of Springer’s Transactions of Engineering Technologies. He served as a committee member and a conference chair of various international conferences. He is, also, an editorial board member of International Journals such as American Journal of Computer Science and Technology and Journal of Image and Graphics (JOIG).
PhD Degree:Ph.D. in Computer Science
Period of Stay:17/10/2022 until 31/10/2022
Amparo Gil
Universidad de Cantabria, Santander, Spain
Research interests:Computation of Special Functions, including the computation and inversion of Cumulative Distribution Functions
Biographical Note:Full Professor in the Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science in the Universidad de Cantabria, Spain. I have published several papers on the computation of special functions and related topics. I'm coauthor (with J. Segura and N. M. Temme) of the book Numerical Methods for Special Functions, published by SIAM in 2007. Since 2015 I'm Associate Editor of the DLMF project http://dlmf.nist.gov
Period of Stay:3-8-2022 to 8-10-2022
J. Javier Segura Sala
Uiversidad de Cantabria, Santander, Spain
Field of Sutudy:Special functions; numerical analysis
Biographical Note:Javier Segura (b. 1965 in Novelda, Spain) is professor of mathematical analysis at the Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Computation, University of Cantabria, Spain. Segura has published around 100 papers on special functions and related topics. He is coauthor (with A. Gil and N. M. Temme) of the book Numerical Methods for Special Functions, published by SIAM in 2007. Segura is a member of the IFIP Working Group 2.5 on Numerical Software and an associate editor of the NIST Digital Library of Mathematical Functions.
Period of Stay:03-08-2022 to 10-08-2022
Maria Isabel Montañez-Juan
Universitat de les Illes Balears, Illes Balears, Spain
Research Interests:Work Design, Happy-Productive Teams, Sustainable Wellbeing at Work, Telework.
Biographical Note:PhD in Human Resources Psychology from the University of Valencia (2021). Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of the Balearic Islands (UIB), teaching subjects such as Organizational Psychology, Social Psychology of Groups and Organizations, Work Psychology, and Negotiation Techniques. Work experience as HR technician in the hospitality sector and, more recently, in the aeronautical sector.
Period of Stay:01/07/22 to 30/09/22
Pia Stoczek
Paderborn University, Paderborn, Germany
Research Interests:Corporate debt markets (esp. European bond markets), Corporate disclosure and transparency, International Accounting
Biographical Note:Pia Stoczek is a PhD candidate at Paderborn University, Germany and research assistant with the trans-regional Collaborative Research Center TRR 266 Accounting for Transparency. She holds a BSc and MSc in International Business Studies with a major in Taxation Accounting and Finance from Paderborn University. Her research visit at BRU-Iscte is supervised by Professor Helena Isidro.
Period of Stay:03/04/2022 to 01/07/2022
Silvia Gonçalves
McGill University, Montreal, Canada
Research Interests:Bootstrap methods, impulse response analysis, time series econometrics, financial econometrics.
Nationality:Portuguese and Canadian
Biographical Note:Sílvia Gonçalves is a Professor of Economics at McGill University and a research member of CIREQ and CIRANO. She received her Ph.D. in 2000 from the University of California, San Diego. Before joining the Department of Economics at McGill University in 2017, she was a Professor of Economics at the University of Western Ontario (2015-2017) and at the Université de Montréal (2000-2015). Her work in econometric theory has focused on developing bootstrap methods that apply computing power to allow accurate inference for a range of statistical problems in economics, with a focus on dependent data, including financial data, panel data, and spatial data. This work has been cited extensively and published in Econometrica, JASA as well as in the top field journals in econometrics. She received the first CWEN prize for research by a young woman researcher in a Canadian University in 2010 and currently serves as a Co-Editor of the Journal of Financial Econometrics and as an Associate Editor of the Journal of Econometrics, JBES, Econometrics Journal, Journal of Time Series Analysis and the Portuguese Economic Journal.
Period of Stay:09/01/2022 to 15/04/2022
Mehmet Arcan Tuzcu
University of Ankara, Ankara, Turkey
Research Interests:Corporate Governance
Period of stay:01/09/2020 to 31/08/2021
Andreas Orland
Universität Potsdam—Germany
Research Interests:Behavioral & experimental economics, industrial organization, macroeconomics
PhD Degree:Economics
Period of stay:03/03/2020 to 03/04/2020
Luiz Antonio de Camargo Guerrazzi
Research Interests:Management, entrepreneurship, performance, small business
PhD Degree (scientific area):Administration
University:Universidade Nove de Julho, UNINOVE, Brasil
Thesis Title:Declínio organizacional em pequenas empresas
Biographical Note:Luiz completed his PhD dissertation in Administration at Universidade Nove de Julho, UNINOVE, Brasil. His research interest are on management, performance, entrepreneurship.Luiz Pos Doc Project is entitled "Ativos complementares na redução das fragilidades de ser jovem e pequena: um estudo comparativo de incubadoras de empresas de bases tecnológicas brasileiras e portuguesas”, under supervision of prof. Maria Conceição Santos.
Period of Stay:January 2019 to December 2019
Teresa Nevado Gil
Department Economía Financiera y Contabilidad at the Universidade de Extremadura, Facultade de Empresa, Finanzas y Turismo
PhD Degree (scientific area):Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas
Research Interests:Accounting
Period of stay:16/10/2018 to 15/12/2018 and 01/10/2019 to 01/12/2019
Tom O´Neill
Western University
Research Interests:High performance teamwork
PhD Degree (scientific area):Industrial-organizational psychology
Period of stay:16/04/2018 to 27/05/2018
Gregor Bouville
Université Paris-Dauphine, France
Period of stay:12/03/2015 to 18/03/2015 and 18/02/2018 to 25/02/2018
PhD Degree (scientific area):Management
Field of Study:Management science, health and well-being at work, organization and working conditions, organizational behavior and age management
Alicia Moreno Arenas
Universidad de Sevilla
PhD Degree (scientific area):Social Psychology
Period of stay:08/01/2018 to 05/02/2018
Ary Vieira Barradas
Instituto de Economia – UFRJ - Rio de Janeiro - Brazil
PhD Degree (scientific area):Accounting
Field of study:Economy of Audiovisual – Cinema; Tv and video
Biographical Note:Ary Vieira Barradas received his doctoral degree in Accounting from COPPEAD - UFRJ.The subject of his doctoral research was Quantitative Methods Applied to the Economy of Audiovisual. Barradas is a faculty member of the Institute of Economy at the University of Rio de Janeiro (IE-UFRJ) where he teaches Quantitative Methods. He has developed a comparative study on the Audiovisual Industry in Mercosul (Brasil, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay) and EU (Portugal, France, Spain). From 2007 to 2011 he was the Adjoint Director of the Institute. He is the Coordenator of PROGRAMA MERCOSUL AUDIOVISUAL and he also coordinates the posgraduate studies program adressed to the technical staff of Ancine – Agência Nacional de Cinema.
Period of stay:12/03/2016 to 01/12/2016 and 19/12/2017 to 05/03/2018 and 15/12/2018 to 28/03/2019 and 02/01/2020 to 05/02/2020
Daniele Mascia
Department of Public Health and Healthcare Management, University of the Sacred Heart
Field of Study:Management and administration of health care organizations, Social networks, Organizational behavior and HRM, Management of innovation in the biopharmaceutical industry
PhD Degree (scientific area):Health Care Policy and Management
Biographical Note:Daniele Mascia is an Assistant Professor of Organizational Theory and Management in the Department of Public Health and Healthcare Management at the University of the Sacred Heart, Rome (Italy). He is responsible for the “Strategy and innovation” area of the Catholic University Graduate School of Health Economics and Management (ALTEMS). He is also scientific coordinator of the Executive Master Pharmacy Management and the Full-Time Program Management of Biotech and Biomedical Companies.
Period of stay:19/01/2015 to 26/01/2015 and 13/12/2017 to 20/12/2017
Federica Morandi
Catholic University of the Sacred Heart | UNICATT
PhD Degree (scientific area):Health Care Administration Management
Biographical Note:Federica Morandi is fellow Researcher of Organization Theory and Human Resource Management, at the Catholic University, Faculty of Economics. She is teaching coordinator of Undergraduate course “People management and organizational behavior in complex working contexts”, and “Managment of health religious organizations” founded by ALTEMS Graduate School of Health Economics and Management at Catholic University (Alta Scuola in Economia e Management dei Sistemi Sanitari) and teaching coordinator of Master Program “Health Care Management”, at Catholic University. She is also member of the staff at ALTEMS, Catholic University.
Period of stay:16/10/2017 to 20/10/2017
Marianne van Woerkom
Department of Human Resources Studies, Tilburg University, The Netherlands
Field of study:Human Resources
PhD Degree (scientific area):Human Resources
Biographical Note:Marianne Van Woerkom is associate professor at the Department of Human Resource Studies, Tilburg University, Netherlands.Her research interest include positive psychology and the strengths-based approach, coaching, team learning and workplace learning.She is member of the editorial board of Human Resource Development Review and Human Resource Development International and project leader of the project "Increasing employees' well-being through web-based coaching for managers" funded by Zonmw. She publishes in journals like Journal of Applied Psychology, European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, International Journal of Human Resource Management, Journal of Business and Psychology, Journal of Managerial Psychology, and Adult Education Quarterly.
Period of stay:28/03/2017 to 31/03/2017
Emrah Ertugay
Ankara University, Faculty of Political Sciences, Department of Business Administration
Field of study:Financial Accounting
PhD Degree (scientific area):Accounting
Biographical Note:Emrah Ertugay is a Ph.D. Lecturer at Ankara University Faculty of Polical Science, Business Administration Department, chair of Accounting and Finance in Turkey. He received his master's and doctoral degree in Accounting from the same faculty. His Ph.D. thesis, titled “The Role of Cash Flows and Accruals in Predicting Future Cash Flows”, it is tried to be determined which one provides more explanatory information for users of financial information.
Period of stay:04/07/2016 to 04/10/2016
Silvia Pereira de Castro Casa Nova
Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade
PhD Degree (scientific area):Accounting
Field of study:Accounting
Biographical Note:Silvia Casa Nova received her baccalaureate in Public Administration from São Paulo Business Administration School of Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV). She earned both a master's and doctoral degree in Accounting from University of São Paulo, and developed her Postdoctoral Research in Quantitative Methods Applied to Accounting at FGV. She had been a visiting scholar at OLDP-CEHD, researching in female leadership and developing a comparative study about women presence in Accounting Academia in the US and Brazil. Casa Nova is a faculty member of the Department of Accountancy and Actuarial Science, College of Economics, Business and Accounting, at the University of São Paulo (USP). At USP, she served as vice-director of the Accounting Graduate Program during 2010/2012, and as director during 2013/2014. As a Director, she led the Program's curriculum redesign in response to the university reform of the graduate program rules. Casa Nova has been teaching at graduate level since 2003, and undergraduate level since 1992, and has served as a peer reviewer in conferences and journals throughout her career.
Period of stay:07/12/2015 to 02/02/2016
Asad Mohsin
University of Waikato School of Management
PhD Degree (scientific area):Economics
Field of study:Tourism & Hospitality customer perceptions & contemporary trends and Tourism and Hospitality product and service quality assessment
Biographical Note:Asad Mohsin is an associate professor at the University of Waikato School of Management. In July 2003 Asad was working at the Charles Darwin University (previously NT University) in Australia. At the Charles Darwin University he was responsible for developing and coordinating Higher Education programs in hospitality management to include - MBA in Hospitality Management, Graduate Diploma in Hospitality Business, and Bachelor of Business Administration in Hospitality. His academic qualifications include: PhD; MBA; Graduate Certificate in Tertiary Teaching from Australia and Diploma (3years) in Hotel Management, Catering and Nutrition, from Pusa Institute, New Delhi and B.SC. from Delhi University. Asad is a Fellow of two renowned institutes namely: Australian Institute of Management and NZ Institute of Management. His main research interests and publications are in the area of - Tourism & Hospitality customer perceptions & contemporary trends and Tourism and Hospitality product and service quality assessment.
Period of stay:20/10/2015 to 28/10/2015
Flávio Menezes
The University of Queensland
PhD Degree (scientific area):Economics
Field of study:Auction theory, competition and regulatory economics
Biographical Note:Flavio Menezes is Professor of Economics at the University of Queensland (UQ) and Vice President of the Economic Society of Australia (QLD). He served as Head of the School of Economics at UQ from 2009 to 2015, was a founding Director of the Australian Centre of Regulatory Economics at the Australian National University and Vice President of Charles Rivers International. He has published extensively on the economics of auctions, competition, and regulation. He is one of Australia’s most influential economists in terms of practical policymaking. He has advised the Federal and State Governments and Federal and State agencies on market design issues in regulatory environments, as well as various private and public organisations on mergers, competition policy, and regulatory issues in defence, energy, water, banking, health, transport, and telecommunications. Outside of Australia, he has provided advice on privatization of public utilities, reform of electricity regulation, competition issues in banking, health, telecommunications, and dairy industries and he has reviewed government procurement practices.
Period of stay:15/09/2015 to 30/09/2015
Mark Clark
Kogod School of Business, American University Washington, DC
PhD Degree (scientific area):Business Management
Field of study:Team performance, work groups, diversity, knowledge management, stigmatized occupations, organizational culture, organizational behavior, human capital and human resource management
Biographical Note:Mark Clark has expertise in high performing teams, leadership, diversity, and strategic human capital. He is an active researcher, and his work has been presented at numerous national and international conferences and workshops. He has published in top academic outlets, including the Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology, Human Resource Management, and Group Dynamics. His current research projects include work in social entrepreneurship, medical innovation teams, team knowledge architecture, and corporate socialization processes.
Period of stay:13/09/2015 to 30/11/2015
Zhao Di
School of Humanities and Management da Southern Medical University
PhD Degree (scientific area):Strategic Management
Field of study:Healthcare managament
Biographical Note:Zhao Di is Associate Dean at the School of Humanities & Management, Southern Medical University. She is also a Professor and Researcher in Healthcare management issues having published several books and articles on this subject. She is a medical doctor, holds a master degree from University of Minnesota and a PhD in Strategic Management from ISCTE.
Period of stay:01/09/2015 to 31/01/2016
Sevgi Eda Tuzcu
Ankara University, Faculty of Political Sciences, Department of Business Administration
Field of study:Finance, Spatial Econometrics
PhD Degree (scientific area):Finance
Biographical Note:I hold a PhD degree from Middle East Technical University in 2015, entitled “ A New Look at Mutual Fund Tournament Hypothesis Using Spatial Modeling”. I am interested in investment, behavioral finance and spatial econometrics. Now I have the opportunity to work with Professor Antonio Freitas Miguel and deepen my studies at the Business Research Unit (BRU-Iscte) of the ISCTE.
Period of stay:31/07/2015 to 30/10/2015
José Fernández Serrano
University of Seville
Period of stay:01/07/2015 a 30/09/2015
PhD Degree (scientific area):Economics
Field of Study:Entrepreneurship, SMEs and regional development, entrepreneurial orientation, and cultural values and entrepreneurship
Biographical Note:José Fernández-Serrano, PhD in Economics in 2012. He is a member of research groups "SMEs and economic development", “Project VIE: Entrepreneurial Values and Intentions”, and the Bancaja Chair "Young entrepreneurs" of the University of Seville. Participant in the International project "ENDEAVOR - Entrepreneurial Development as a vehicle to Promote European Higher Education", coordinated by the University of Sannio and funded by the European Commission, he is an author and co-author of publications in learned journals into the Social Sciences Citation Index, for example Small Business Economics or Paper of regional science.
Sun Ping
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC)
Field of Study:Corporate Governance, Incentive, Game Theory
PhD Degree (scientific area):Management Science and Engineering
Period of stay:13/02/2015 to 31/08/2015
Ilídio Teotónio Barreto
Catholic University of Portugal
Field of Study:Strategy, Management
PhD Degree (scientific area):Business Administration
Biographical Note:Ilídio Teotónio Barreto is Associate Professor and holds a PhD in Business Administration (City University, Cass Business School, London), an MBA (Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Lisbon), an undergraduate degree in Economics (UCP, Lisbon) and two diplomas in Strategy and Finance (Massachussets Institute of Technology, Boston). He teaches at the undergraduate, MBA, MSc, Executive Education, and Executive Masters levels. He launched and coordinated about 60 Executive programs during the past ten years and has coordinated several consulting projects within CATÓLICA-LISBON's Center for Applied Studies. He is a former Associate Dean of CATÓLICA-LISBON and a former Director of the Business Administration Undergraduate Program. He has published several articles in top scientific journals in Management.
Period of stay:03/02/2015 to 30/04/2015 and 03/02/2014 to 30/06/2014
Jorge Katsumi Niyama
Universidade de Brasilia, Brazil
Field of Study:International accounting, Accounting regulation, Banking Sector Performance
PhD Degree (scientific area):Accounting
Biographical Note:Jorge Katsumi Niyama holds a PhD degree in Accounting from Universidade de São Paulo in 1990, with a post-doctorate from University of Otago (2005). Currently he is full-time professor at Universidade de Brasilia, teaching for graduation and post-graduation courses.
Period of stay:02/02/2015 to 31/08/2015
Julia de Frutos Cachorro
University of Montpellier 1 (France)
PhD Degree (scientific area):Economics
Thesis Title:Groundwater resource management subject to drought: analysis of adaptation strategies
Biographical Note:My name is Julia de Frutos Cachorro and I have successfully defended my PhD in Economics from University of Montpellier 1 (France) in July 2014, entitled “Groundwater resource management subject to drought: analysis of adaptation strategies”. My research interests are environmental and resource economics, and water resource management. I was awarded a COST Short Term Scientific Mission to advance in my research in water management. During this mission, I will have the opportunity to work with Catarina Roseta-Palma at the Business Research Unit (BRU-IUL) of the ISCTE-IUL, who has an extensive experience. She is very interested in developing knowledge that is relevant to real environmental problems and in particular, in conflicts around water resource management.
Period of stay:19/01/2015 to 19/03/2015
Alin Valentin Angheluta
Bucharest University of Economic Studies
Field of Study:Branding, Tourism Marketing, and Tourism Destination Marketing
PhD Degree (scientific area):Marketing
Biographical Note:Lecturer at the Bucharest University of Economic Studies (ASE Bucuresti - Academia de Studii Economice din Bucuresti). Postdoctoral research project: "Developing a conceptual model regarding the influence of the online environment on destination choices of tourists", in the EU-funded project EXCELIS (Excelenta in cercetarea stiintifica, interdisciplinara, doctorala si postdoctorala, in domeniile Economic, Social si Medical - EXCELIS, POSDRU/159/1.5/S/138907).
Period of stay:27/10/2014 to 27/11/2014 (Postdoctoral mobility program at BRU- Iscte)
José Pedro Veloso de Sousa Pontes
Technical University of Lisbon
Research Interests:Regional and Urban Economics, Internacional Economics and Non-Cooperative Game Theory
PhD Degree (scientific area):Economics
Biographical Note:José Pedro Pontes was born in 1957. He holds a PhD in Economics from the Technical University of Lisbon in 1987. He holds the degree “Agregação” in Economics from the same University in 1995. He is currently Full Professor at the school of Economics and Management (ISEG) of the Universidade de Lisboa. He has the following interest fields: Regional and Urban Economics, International Economics and Non-Cooperative Game Theory. He has published in peer-reviewed journals such as Journal of Regional Science, Environment and Planning A. José Pedro Pontes is a member of UECE (Research Unit on Complexity in Economics), and is a member of the Associação Portuguesa para o Desenvolvimento Regional (APDR), the Portuguese branch of RSAI. He was editor of the Portuguese Journal Estudos de Economia between 1996 and 1999. He has visited other Universities and research centers such as CORE (Catholic University of Louvain), the Department of Economics of the University of Pennsylvania, KIER( University of Kyoto), The Dresden University of Technology and the RWTH Aachen University.
Period of stay:15/09/2014 to 15/09/2015
Leslie DeChurch
Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Field of Study:Leadership and teamwork in organizations
PhD Degree (scientific area):Industrial and Organizational Psychology
Period of stay:October 2014
Eva Demerouti
Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands
Field of Study:Processes enabling performance, including the effects of work characteristics, decision making, occupational well-being, and work-life balance
PhD Degree (scientific area):Work and Organizational Psychology
Period of stay:October 2014
Arnold Bakker
Department of Work and Organizational Psychology, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands
Field of Study:Positive organizational behavior, including work engagement, Work-Related flow, jor performance, job crafting, and positite spillover and crossover
PhD Degree (scientific area):Psychology
Period of stay:October 2014
Mercedes Ferrando
University of Murcia, Spain
Field of Study:Creativity, intelligence, gifted and talented children, thinking skills and emotional intelligence
PhD Degree (scientific area):Psychology
Period of stay:24/08/2014 to 28/08/2015
Gabriele Giorgi
Universitá Europea di Roma, Italy
Field of Study:Workplace bullying, stress at work, organizational intelligence, emotions
PhD Degree (scientific area):Organizational psychology
Period of stay:26/05/2014 to 09/06/2014
Markus Latzke
Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria
Period of stay:22/04/2014 to 24/04/2014
Field of Study:Business, Management,
Bernd Vogel
Henley Centre for Engaging Leadership at University of Reading, UK
Field of Study:Organisational energy, Leadership, Co-Creation of leadership, Followership, Emotions in organizations, Organizational Behaviour, Change leadership, Network action
PhD Degree (scientific area):Management
Period of stay:March 2014