
The Organizational Behavior and Human Resources (OBHR) research group develops scientific knowledge to address social problems related to well-being and quality of working life, innovation and performance at work, while identifying potential intervention strategies for policy makers and organizational agents. It focuses on different levels of analysis: individual, team and organizational.

  • Well-being, ageing and performance: studies person-organization fit and well-being, focusing on how organizations can be more productive and innovative while promoting employee well-being through different life stages. Attention is being given to organizational identification, support, wellbeing, job satisfaction, work-non work interface, presentism, creativity and performance.
  • Leadership, teamwork and networks: studies group processes and teams over time and contexts, analysing which team compositions variables and processes become critical to team ongoing performance and when. Team work performance, leadership, diversity, cognitions, affective-motivational processes, conflicts, negotiation and decision-making are relevant research topics. The dynamics of processes and states to explain team adaptation and performance trajectories are also studied.

  • HR Management and Organizational dynamics: studies how employees and human resource practices promote sustainable organization leadership, health and safety, social responsibility, training, and entrepreneurship are among the main research topics.

Facts and Numbers

ABS4*/ABS4/ABS3 in 2018-2023
JCR Q1/SJR Q1 in 2018-2023
Integrated Researchers
Associate Researchers
Research Assistants
Active projects in 2018-2023

Main Areas of Research

  • Organizational Behavior

  • Human Resources

  • Well-being

  • Innovation

Main Achievements

  • Research leading to the improvement of the quality of care and patient safety in European hospitals, to the prevention of psychosocial risks and to helping enterprises learn from accidents. This was the result of 3 European projects (ORCAB; QUASER; and RISKSINSMES), involving 10 universities and hospitals from 9 European countries; partners from 5 countries; and stakeholders from several organisations in 4 European Countries.

  • Computerised batteries and selection instruments with important implications in different fields of intervention were developed, namely the Computerised Multifactorial Memory Battery, and the Neuropsychological Battery for Multiple Sclerosis Assessment was adapted for the Portuguese population.

  • Identification of practices that promote sustainable organizational development and performance, providing recommendations for job design and HRM practices that take into account age-related differences at work and help reduce presentism.

Our Researchers

AllIntegrated ResearcherAssociate ResearcherResearch Assistant
Short Description
Social Links
Ana Catarina Leal
Integrated Researcher
Ana Junça Silva
Integrated Researcher
Ana Passos
Integrated Researcher
Ana Patrícia Duarte
Integrated Researcher
Ana Sofia Oliveira
Integrated Researcher
Andrea Fontes
Integrated Researcher
António Caetano
Associate Researcher
Aristides Ferreira
Integrated Researcher
Atieh Mirfakhar
Integrated Researcher
Catarina Farinha
Research Assistant
Filomena Almeida
Francisca Carvalho
Research Assistant
Francisco Delgado
Research Assistant
Francisco Nunes
Associate Researcher
Gu Yang
Research Assistant
Henrique Duarte
Integrated Researcher
Luís Miguel Simões
Research Assistant
Maria João Velez
Integrated Researcher
Maria Teresa Almeida
Associate Researcher
Mirko Antino
Associate Researcher
Nelson Ramalho
Integrated Researcher
Patricia Lopes Costa
Integrated Researcher
Sandra Costa
Integrated Researcher
Sara Corlett
Integrated Researcher
Sara Lampreia Lopes
Associate Researcher
Fotografia de Sílvia Costa
Silvia Costa
Associate Researcher
Silvia Dello Russo
Integrated Researcher
Sílvia Silva
Integrated Researcher
Susana Santos
Integrated Researcher
Susana Tavares
Integrated Researcher
Tatiana Marques
Integrated Researcher
Tiago Rôxo Aguiar
Research Assistant
Vanessa Oliveira
Research Assistant
Virgínia Trigo
Associate Researcher