
The Finance Research Group works both on theoretical and empirical issues in mainstream research areas such as corporate finance, asset pricing (both theoretical and empirical), banking and other financial institutions, mathematical finance and monetary policy, focusing on changes and innovation in financial markets.

Facts and Numbers

ABS4*/ABS4/ABS3 in 2018-2023
JCR Q1/SJR Q1 in 2018-2023
Integrated Researchers
Associate Researchers
Research Assistants
Active projects in 2018-2023

Main Areas of Research

Finance Research Group main areas of research:

  • Asset Pricing

  • Financial intermediaries (Banks, Venture Capital, Private Equity and Fintechs)

  • Corporate Finance

  • Financial Derivatives

Research Strands

For 2018-2022, the Finance Research Group (FRG) is focused on 5 research strands, namely:

  • Corporate financial decisions of intermediaries (banks, venture capital and private equity firms and fintechs)

  • Capital market implications of corporate financial reporting

  • Inferring the degree of markets integration from the behavior of mutual fund investors

  • Pricing complex financial instruments, and contributing to transparency and pricing efficiency

  • New estimators of realized variance and of the variance risk premium

  • Financing of small and medium corporates by intermediaries during crises situations

Our Researchers

The Finance Research Group includes faculty members from Iscte and other institutions, as well as research oriented former Ph.D. Students.

AllIntegrated ResearcherAssociate ResearcherResearch Assistant
Short Description
Social Links
Ana Paula Matias Gama
Integrated Researcher
António Miguel
Integrated Researcher
Aricson da Cruz
Associate Researcher
Carlos Miguel Aguiar da Glória
Integrated Researcher
Fernando Silva
Integrated Researcher
Helena Isidro
Integrated Researcher
João Pedro Nunes
Integrated Researcher
João Reis
João Ruas
Integrated Researcher
Jorge Bravo
Associate Researcher
José Almeida
Integrated Researcher
José Carlos Dias
Integrated Researcher
Luciana Barbosa
Integrated Researcher
Luís Laureano
Associate Researcher
Maria Helena Veiga
Integrated Researcher
Mário Fernandes
Integrated Researcher
Mohamed Azzim
Integrated Researcher
Paulo Viegas de Carvalho
Integrated Researcher
Pedro Júdice
Integrated Researcher
Pedro Prazeres
Sajid Ali
Research Assistant
Tiago Dutra
Integrated Researcher