PhD Program
in Economics

Recommended to students wishing to obtain a rigorous and intensive training in economic theory and policy, at the graduate level, as it is currently practiced in highly respected US and European universities.

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Admission Requirements

Programme Overview

The PhD is a four-year program consisting of one and a half year of coursework followed by two and a half years of research. In the first year of the program, the focus is on providing the foundations for successful research. In the first semester of the second year students choose three additional courses in field subjects (or extra courses in the core subjects), which should be closely related to their research interests. In the second semester of the second year and in the third and fourth years, students are expected to develop their research projects and write a dissertation under the supervision of a faculty member.

Recommended to

Students wishing to obtain a rigorous and intensive training in economic theory and policy, at the graduate level, as it is currently practiced in highly respected US and European universities.

Two main recipients

Those who want to become successful academics at universities and research institutions, or to those who want to proceed to a career as a professional economist working for central banks, the banking industry, governmental institutions or in economics and financial consultancy.


4 Years


All courses are taught in English


Only up to 10 candidates will be accepted

Tuition Fees

The tuition fees are €2,750.00 per year. Students are expected to pay a minimum of 4 years of tuition fees.

Programme Partnership

This course is in collaboration with DINÂMIA’CET

Program Goals

Students are intended to acquire advanced knowledge on the main areas within Economics, so as to be able to analyse critically the new research developments in the field, produce new scientific knowledge, present it among peers and disseminate it in society.

Program Curriculum

The Economics Ph.D. program is primarily designed as a full time program. Nevertheless, for students with strong commitment and work ethics , it is possible to work on the program part time. All classes are held in the evening.

Scientific Committee

Short Description
Social Links
Thomas Greve
Associate Researcher
Helena Maria de Sousa Lopes
Integrated Researcher of Dinamia Cet
Paulo Tormenta Pinto
Director of DINÂMIA'CET-Iscte - Centro de Estudos sobre a Mudança Socioeconómica e o Território
João Madeira
Director of BRU-Iscte
Programme Manager

If you have any question please contact our Programme Manager

How I can help you?
Aleksandra Marques
Book in-person appointments
Accreditation A3ES

This course is accredited for 6 years.
Date of Publication: 31-07-2020

Registration DGES
Initial Registry

R/A-Ef 1012/2011 de 18-03-2011

Update Registry

R/A-Ef 1012/2011/AL01 de 22-08-2014
R/A-Ef 1012/2011/AL02 de 14-03-2016

Start your journey with us and submit your application!

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Admission Requirements