BRU-Iscte researcher Prof. Maria José Sousa, part of the SYNCLUSIVE project consortium, will host a local session at the EURegionsWeek (the European Week of Regions and Cities).
The EUREGIONSWEEK is an annual four-day event, during which cities and regions showcase their capacity to create growth and jobs, implement European Union cohesion policy, and prove the importance of the local and regional level for good European governance. The theme of the local sessions is “the EURegionsWeek close to you”. The program for the event will be out in early July.
SYNCLUSIVE is an EC funded project under Horizon Europe that is developing research and innovation to stimulate the inclusion of vulnerable groups in the labor market. The project is being carried out by sixteen research, academic and stakeholder organizations and SMEs across Europe, using Living Labs as a central research approach. BRU-Iscte is involved, together with other Iscte research units.