The Xpanding Innovative Alliance (XiA) project, is co-funded by the Erasmus + Programme, Alliances for Innovation – Lot 2: Alliances for Sectoral Cooperation on Skills (implementing the ‘Blueprint’), and represents a significant milestone in digital healthcare. Building on the foundations of the successful XpanDH project, XiA seeks to address key interoperability challenges while preparing healthcare professionals for the advanced standards of the European Health Data Space (EHDS) regulation. It is linked with the Pact for Skills, that aims to get public and private organisations together and encourage them to make concrete commitments to upskilling and reskilling adults.
“XiA builds on the achievements of XpanDH, taking the next logical step in preparing Europe’s healthcare workforces for the challenges of digital transformation. Interoperability, strengthened by EEHRxF and cybersecurity standards, ensures safer, more effective, and patient-centred care. XiA seeks to create sustainable partnerships that empower healthcare providers and digital health companies alike.”
Henrique Martins, XiA Project Coordinator and Integrated Researcher BRU-Iscte