HR Digital Transformation Conference
O Ciência 2021 é a nova edição do encontro anual da ciência, tecnologia e inovação em Portugal, que decorrerá de 28 a 30 de junho de 2021, no Centro de Congres [...]
Title Making Sense of the Sharing Economy – How and Why Stakeholders Grant Legitimation Student João Miguel Cotrim ONLINE [...]
Speaker:Panos Andrikopoulos Title: Corporate Social Responsibility and Financial Performance in the Emerging Markets: the Moderating Effects of Industry Type a [...]
Speaker: Teresa Eugénio Title: Research in Social and environmental accounting: emerging topics ONLINE [...]
Speaker: Ana Isabel Lopes Title: Towards the influence of CSR Committees on corporate performance Zoom Password: 036770 ONLINE [...]
Iscte – University Institute of Lisbon
Building 4 (CVTT), 1st Floor, Room 124
Avenida das Forças Armadas, 40
1649-026 Lisboa