Thesis defense – Luís Pedro Rocha Miguel
Join us tomorrow, 10th December at 3pm Title: The influence of ethnocentrism on consumer behaviour and purchase intention of domestic fruit and vegetables ONLI [...]
Join us tomorrow, 10th December at 3pm Title: The influence of ethnocentrism on consumer behaviour and purchase intention of domestic fruit and vegetables ONLI [...]
Join us on 16th December at 2:30 pm! Title: A educação em contabilidade: efeito do uso dos conceitos da dinâmica de sistemas ONLINE [...]
Join us on 11th January at 3:00 pm! Title: Essays on the estimation of distribution moments ONLINE [...]
Join us on 14th January at 2:30 pm! Title: Essays on the relationships between political indicators, and real exchange rate and inflation ONLINE [...]
Join us on 17th January at 10:00 am! Title: Estratégias para o Desenvolvimento de Empresas Multinacionais de Engenharia Consultiva: Aplicação da Teoria dos Jog [...]
Speaker: Vaggelis Giannikas Title: One virus and 130 billion parcels later Speaker: Ricardo Zimmermann Title: The role of digital technologies for more resilie [...]
Speakers: Xavier Castaner from University of Lausanne and Nuno Barros de Oliveira from University of Tilburg Title: Doing Systematic Reviews for Conceptual and [...]
Join us on 8th February at 3:00 pm! Title: The Impact of mobile devices in the in-store shopping experience ONLINE [...]
Iscte – University Institute of Lisbon
Building 4 (CVTT), 1st Floor, Room 124
Avenida das Forças Armadas, 40
1649-026 Lisboa