Research Seminar BRU-Iscte- Garry Carnegie
ZoomSpeaker: Garry Carnegie Title: Accounting for the future. Let’s start with a new definition of accounting ONLINE [...]
Speaker: Garry Carnegie Title: Accounting for the future. Let’s start with a new definition of accounting ONLINE [...]
Speaker: Vaggelis Giannikas Title: One virus and 130 billion parcels later Speaker: Ricardo Zimmermann Title: The role of digital technologies for more resilie [...]
Speakers: Xavier Castaner from University of Lausanne and Nuno Barros de Oliveira from University of Tilburg Title: Doing Systematic Reviews for Conceptual and [...]
Speaker: Pedro Campos from INE & FEP Title: Graph Machine Learning - how management can benefit from the power of network science Speaker: José Távora fr [...]
Speaker: Rajeev Batra Title: Conducting and Publishing Top-Journal Research in Marketing : What I have learned Speaker: Giovanni Perrone Title: Disruptive inno [...]
Speaker: Sherry Thatcher Title: The nuts and bolts of writing a theory paper: A practical guide to getting started Online [...]
LIVESTREAM Speaker: Peter Madsen Title: Don’t sweat the small stuff? Unintended consequences of the negative transfer of organizational learning from micro-fai [...]
Speaker: Jamison Kovach Title: Data – Guilty Until Proven Innocent LIVESTREAM [...]
Iscte – University Institute of Lisbon
Building 4 (CVTT), 1st Floor, Room 124
Avenida das Forças Armadas, 40
1649-026 Lisboa