Abstract: Health and health-related behaviors at work have become more salient in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic (Kniffin et al., 2021), highlighting the significance of workplace attendance behaviors, particularly presenteeism (i.e., the behavior of working in the state of ill-health, Ruhle et al., 2020), and sparking renewed interest in understating the determinants and processes underpinning these behaviors. The pandemic has also highlighted the influence of organizational practices and policies guiding employee attendance on public health, revealing the dangers of working while ill (e.g., Probst et al., 2021). The presentation will offer a brief overview of workplace attendance behaviors, with a specific emphasis on the concept of presenteeism. It will then focus on two empirical studies, aimed at investigating the effect of performance-enhancing practices on workplace attendance and exploring the formation of distinct profiles of individuals based on their levels of absenteeism and presenteeism. The design and analytical techniques of the two studies will be presented, specifically a two-way mediational design and a latent profile analysis. The presentation will conclude with a discussion of some of the main challenges and related future directions for research in the field.