On the 5th December, BRU-Iscte researcher Hélia Pereira participated in the public presentation of the study “Characterization of Local Lodging Establishments [...]
December 6, 2019|Scientific Dissemination Activities|
On the 5th December, BRU-Iscte researcher Hélia Pereira participated in the public presentation of the study “Characterization of Local Lodging Establishments [...]
September 4, 2019|Scientific Dissemination Activities|
In the midst of the humanitarian crisis in Mozambique, due to cylone Idai and hurricane Kenneth, BRU-Iscte researcher Ana Lúcia Martins gave interviews to radi [...]
January 26, 2019|Scientific Dissemination Activities|
In January, BRU-Iscte researcher José Arménio Rego disseminated the results of his study on "Bons líderes são dotados de “fibra” – e apoiam os liderados (Good [...]
June 20, 2018|Scientific Dissemination Activities|
On 19thJune 2018, Economics group researcher, Sandro Mendonça, participated in a public debate at Culturgest Auditorium on the Challenges of the European Unio [...]
June 20, 2018|Scientific Dissemination Activities|
On 19th June 2018, Economics group researcher, Sandro Mendonça, participated in a public debate at Culturgest Auditorium on the Challenges of the European Unio [...]
May 30, 2018|Scientific Dissemination Activities|
On 22nd May 2018, Ana Patrícia Duarte, participated in the debate about "Equity between men and women", talking about what companies are doing to promote gend [...]
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1649-026 Lisboa