On the 14th of March 2025 the Director of BRU-Iscte, Professor João António Madeira, appointed the group coordinators for the research groups.

The appointed coordinators are:

Accounting – Professor Jonas Oliveira, Associate Professor of the Accounting Department of Iscte

Data Analytics – Professor José Manuel Gonçalves Dias, Full Professor of the Quantitative Methods for Management and Economics Department of Iscte

Economics – Professor Maria Catarina Roseta Palma, Associate Professor of the Economics Department of Iscte

Finance– Professor João Pedro Nunes, Full Professor of the Finance Department of Iscte

Management – Professor Renato Pereira, Assistant Professor of the Marketing, Operation and Management Department of Iscte

Marketing – Professor Sandra Loureiro, Associate Professor with habilitation of the Marketing, Operation and Management Department of Iscte

Organizational Behavior and Human Resources – Professor Ana Patricia Duarte, Integrated Researcher of BRU-Iscte

BRU-Iscte extends its sincere gratitude to Prof. José Dias, Prof. Sandra Loureiro and Prof. Ana Patricia Duarte for continuing in their positions and for their work!

The BRU-Iscte also warmly welcomes the new coordinators and looks forward to their contributions to advancing BRU-Iscte’s research excellence.