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Here you can find articles written by our researchers
in different journals and magazines
A economia em tempo de guerra
Sofia Vale, researcher from Economics Group at Bru-Iscte, wrote an opinion article "A economia em tempo de guerra" to Jornal Económico [...]
Sustainable Management in the pandemic context and new challenges for organisations
Ana Simaens, researcher from the Marketing and Management Group at BRU-Iscte, wrote an opinion article to RH Magazine titled: “Sustainable Management in the pandemic context and new challengesf or organisations“.
Gestão Sustentável em contexto de pandemia e os novos desafios nas organizações
Ana Simaens, researcher from the Marketing and Management Group at BRU-Iscte, wrote an opinion article to RH Magazine [...]
O teletrabalho é um benefício ou um direito?
Pedro Falcão, researcher from the Marketing & Management Group and Diretor of the Executive MBA at Iscte Executive Education, discusses on the October edit [...]
O que torna uma marca cool? “A irreverência, a transgressão, o fugir à norma”
Sandra Loureiro a researcher from Marketing & Management Group at BRU-Iscte gave an interview to Jornal Público. [...]
IA permite “rapidez de eficiência” na pré-seleção de currículos
João Guerreiro a researcher from Marketing & Management Group at BRU-Iscte gave your opinion in a article "IA permite "rapidez de eficiência" na pré-seleçã [...]
Como impressionar numa entrevista online
Aristides Ferreira researcher from Organizational Behavior & Human Resources Group at BRU-Iscte gave your opinion in a article to Noticias Magazine. [...]
Opinion article “Older workers’ employability is an HRDresponsibility”
On February 22nd and February 23rd, Organizational Behavior & Human Resources group researcher, Silvia Dello Russo, published the opinion article “Older workers’ employability is an HRDresponsibility"– split into two parts– in HR Magazine
A pandemia criou um novo cargo: diretor de saúde mental
Aristides Ferreira a researcher from OB&HR Group at BRU-Iscte gave your opinion in a article "A pandemia criou um novo cargo: diretor de saúde mental", for theJornal Económico.
OE 2021: não há Estado a mais
Sofia Vale a researcher from Economics Group at BRU-Iscte gave your opinion in an article "OE 2021: não há Estado a mais", for theJornal Económico.
Interessa ter grandes cidades?
Pedro Falcão a researcher from Accounting, Marketing & Management Group at BRU-Iscte wrote an article "Interessa ter grandes cidades?", for the Expresso.
O que é que a China tem?
Sandro Mendonça a researcher from Economics Group at BRU-Iscte wrote an article "O que é que a China tem?", for the Jornal de Negócios.