Dissemination Activities
You will find here some relevant examples of dissemination activities
conducted by our Researchers.
The Challenge of Creativity: Susana Tavares on Antena 1
Susana Tavares, a researcher from the Organizational Behavior and Human Resources Group, was invited to Antena 1´s "Semana de..." program. During the segment, [...]
Webinar: Com a saúde não se brinca — Saúde Digital with Henrique Martins
Henrique Martins, from the Management group, participated in Webinar Com a saúde não se brinca, a cycle of live webinars broadcast on YouTube by the Portuguese [...]
90 segundos de ciência
Sandra Costa, from the Organizational Behavior & Human Resources group, coordinates the EWRI project to study the impact of exploitation in the workplace o [...]
Webinar: Implementing Teaching and Curriculum for Sustainability in Higher Education Institutions
The Sustainable Campus Network's Working Group on Teaching and Curriculum for Sustainability has organised the 3rd event in the cycle of webinars under the slo [...]
SEED project of the City of Lisbon
Luciana Barbosa, from the Finance group, contributed to the SEED project of the City of Lisbon (Awareness for Entrepreneurship and Innovation), by providing he [...]
90 Segundos de Ciência
Henrique Duarte, from the Organizational Behavior & Human Resources group, presented the results of the BeComE project - Be Competent in Entrepreneurship: [...]
Farfetch crisis
Sandro Mendonça from the Economics group, was interviewed by CNN Portugal to discussed the Farfetch crisis. [...]
90 Segundos de Ciência
Sofia Kalakou, from the Management group, also participated in “90 Segundos de Ciência”, presenting the RefMap project - Reducing Environment Footprint Throug [...]
European Researchers’ Night 2023
Iscte-University Institute of Lisbon will be present at the European Researchers' Night (ERN) 2023, taking place on September 29 at the National Museum of Natu [...]