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Here you can find interviews given by our researchers to different communication media and other news about our reseachers and their work.
Marcas & Empresas: a voz das marcas em tempos de guerra
José Pedro Dionísio, researcher from the Marketing & Management group at BRU-Iscte, explained his point of view about the positions taken by brands during wartime to SIC Notícias[...]
Devem ou não as marcas ter uma voz em tempos de guerra?
José Pedro Dionísio, researcher from the Marketing & Management group at BRU-Iscte, answered some questions about the positions taken by brands during wartime to Imagens de Marca Online [...]
Iscte launches pioneering MBA in Sustainable Management
Ana Simaens, course director of the 1st Sustainable Management MBA and researcher of the Marketing & Management group of the Business Research Unit, gave an interview to Diário de Notícias[...]
Sustainable Management in a pandemic context and new challenges for organisations
Ana Simaens, from the Marketing & Management group, wrote about “Sustainable Management in a pandemic context and new challenges for organisations” for RH Magazine.
A Universidade na resposta à crise
João Guerreiro from the Accounting, Marketing & Management Group at BRU-Iscte gave an interview to TSF-Rádio Noticias. [...]
A universidade na resposta à crise
Ana Margarida Passos from the Organizational Behavior & Human Resources Group at BRU-Iscte gave an interview to TSF-Rádio Noticias. [...]
Pausas no trabalho. Sim ou não?
Aristides Ferreira from the Organizational Behavior & Human Resources Group at BRU-Iscte gave an interview to Jornal Negócios.
“Se as pessoas são sempre as mesmas, é claro que se criam vícios”
Rui Vinhas da Silva a resercher from Accounting, Marketing & Management Group at BRU-Iscte gave an interview to Jornal Expresso.
Estado aposta na inteligência artificial para acelerar fundos
Raúl Laureano from the Data Analytics research group for his participation in a national project to use artificial intelligence to reduce red tape and the time entrepreneurs wait to obtain European funds.