Alexandra Ferreira Lopes

  • Invited to participate in expert meetings with the Portuguese Prime Minister on topics relating to economic recovery and economic resilience in the pandemic context – 2020
  • Expert Survey Portugal for IFO Institute World Economic Survey – from 2019

Ana Conceição

  • Expert judges in the Vortal-IBS Hands-OnChallenge -2021 edition

Ana Simaens

  • Expert in 2 working groups from the international standards technical committee “ISO/TC 323 – Circular Economy”.The 2 working groups are:
    • ISO/WD 59004: Circular economy — Framework and principles for implementation
    • ISO/WD 59010 Circular economy — Guidelines on business models and value chains – 2022
  • Expert in the technical subcomittee CT 164 “Circular Economy – Social Responsibility” – since 2019

Aristides Ferreira

  • Member of Executive Committee of the European Association of Psychological Assessment – since 2018

Fernando Ferreira

  • President of the Portuguese branch of the Neutrosophic Science International Association (NSIA) – since 2022

Henrique Duarte

  • Expert in Think Thank “Fraud Risk of European Union Financial Resources” of the Portuguese Republic’s Prosecutor General Office – since 2020

Ilídio Lopes

  • Advisor for the Tribunal da Concorrência, Regulação e Supervisão (Competition, Regulation and Supervision Court), providing his expertise in judicial processes in the fields of Auditing, Accounting and Bank Supervision – 2018

Irene Ciccarino

  • Member of Entrepreneurship Section Chair of GBATA – Global Business and Technology Association – since 2023

Isabel Lourenço

  • Member of the General Council, the Executive Committee and the Corporate Accounting Standardization Committee of the Portuguese Accounting Standards Board (Comissão de Normalização Contabilística), appointed as a personality of recognized merit in accounting – since 2015

Jorge Bravo

  • Expert in BBVA Pensions Institute (Madrid) – 2022

Maria Antónia de Jesus

Expert in UniLeo – the parliamentary unit on the implementation of the framework budgetary law – 2019

Maria da Conceição Figueiredo

  • Expert in Observatory of Youth Employment, in collaboration with IEFP, the government agency for employment – since 2023

Maria de Fátima Salgueiro

  • President of the General Assembly of CLAD – Portuguese Association of Data Classification and Analysis – since 2023
  • President of the Fiscal Council of CLAD – Portuguese Association of Data Classification and Analysis – from 2020 to 2023

Maria João Major

  •  Expert in Government Committee & Auditing Committee of CGD bank – 2022

Maria José Sousa

  • Expert in the international standards technical committee “ISO/TC 260– Standardization in the field of humanresource management” – 2021
  • Member of Empreend – Portuguese Association of Entrepreneurship – since 2010

Marta Bicho

  • Expert in the regulatory group of non-conventional medicine of the national Health System Central Administration (ACSS) – since 2016

Mónica Meireles

  •  Board of Directors of APEEN – Portuguese Association of Energy Economics – since 2020
Photo of Researcher Raul Laureano

Raul Laureano

  • Expert in Scientific Council of ANAI (Portuguese Association of Real Estate Valuers) – since 2020
  • Expert in the government project “GuIA Responsável”, regarding the development of guidelines for the responsible use of AI in the public sector, as well as a tool for risk assessment applied to AI projects – 2020

Sandra Loureiro

  • Member of QS – World University Rankings – 2022

Sílvia Silva

  • Coordinator of the Green Paper Committee for the Future of Safety and Health at Work – Secretariat of State for Labour – since 2023

Teresa Grilo

  • Member of the working group for assessing training needs in medicine for the next decade – Ministry of Science, Technology & Higher Education and the Ministry of Health – since 2023