Welcome to the
Business Research Unit
BRU-Iscte team members are constantly striving for excellence in research, contributing to the attractiveness and quality of our doctoral programmes as well as engaging with society in order to develop solutions for specific societal and corporate challenges.
Facts and Numbers
Over the period 2018-2023, past and present BRU-Iscte members have contributed with their research to the following achievements
In the period 2018-2023, BRU-Iscte has hosted 45 visiting researchers, including 7 Fulbright Scholars, as well as 106 international guest speakers in our Research Seminar Series.
Moreover, the Unit’s researchers are particular conscientious of their role in the promotion of scientific knowledge, engaging regularly in scientific dissemination events and knowledge transfer activities, as well as by participating in several outreach activities, being often present in the media. Many researchers are also involved in expert groups, technical committees and non-profit organisations, trying to bring their contribution to the civil society.
Fully endorsing the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, BRU-Iscte has been committed to collect information relating to the impact of our research outputs towards delivering the UN’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). For the period 2018-2023, BRU-Iscte researchers have listed 920 publications (scientific articles, books and proceedings), 223 communications in conferences, 143 doctoral theses and 37 projects as contributing to specific Sustainable Development Goals. Considering these 1323 outputs, the SDGs to which BRU-Iscte research contributes the most are: